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Jesus Loves Me, This I Know…

Posted by Jaydubbs On October - 22 - 2009

Picture 1

This is the word that keeps resonating in my brain of late. The truth that God’s providence is faithful, everlasting, definite, and present in my (our) lives is what I am holding onto in this current season.

You see, in the light of the current situation of not having a job, normally I and my wife Jessica would be freaking out.

A few months ago, we were simply trying to figure out how to pay the necessary bills. So this whole job thing, from the outside looking in is scary.

But Jess and I have come to realize that we are not on the outside. Indeed we have been shown the great providence of God in our lives when it doesn’t seem like it would ever really work out on paper.

After losing my job as an assistant worship director at our home church because of budget cutbacks, God began to pave the way into what could only be described as the theme of this post. Providence. I’ve had such huge support from friends, family and other worship leaders from around the valley and even out of state that have offered up encouragement, prayer, and even new opportunities. It really has been incredible.

And I really feel like this season of fruitfulness, growth, and holding firm to God’s promises is only the beginning. It took God kicking my butt out of my comfort, but I am so excited about where He is leading us.

Holding on to the journey. Holding onto His providence…

The Monday Mojo – “Your Love Never Fails”

Posted by Jaydubbs On October - 19 - 2009

The Monday Mojo is a weekly posting of great resources for worship leaders. You’ll find anything from album highlights and releases, introspective articles on worship and the church, helpful media, tips on instrumentation and sound, sites and applications to boost the organization & structure of your respective teams, even simple words of encouragement. Click the Monday Mojo category above or come back every Monday to stay in tune with the mojo… -Jaydubbs

Ok. So if you haven’t heard this song yet, your day just became better.

Worship leaders, if you’re not leading this song yet and letting these words of hope fall on your communities…you need to.

This song, “You Love Never Fails”, came out of the friends over at Jesus Culture in Redding, CA. And boy, is this song amazing. I’ve had nothing but great feedback when leading this tune.

I’ll shut up and just let you watch the video. Turn up the volume and listen to these lyrics…

A New Day

Posted by Jaydubbs On October - 7 - 2009

September 2009 will go down in the books as a month of unforeseeable, radical change. It’s a long story but, I got let go from my job leading worship at my home church Cornerstone.

Ok. It’s a short story.

But seriously though. I’ve been serving there for 10 years. From the surface it amounted to an economic recession leading to non-existent tithing leading to ministry budget and personnel cuts leading to me writing this compelling piece of literature.

There are many more details beyond a bad economy, but that is neither here nor there and someday maybe I will tell my grandchildren and you can hear about it through the grapevine or something.

Anyways, back to change. My wife Jessica and I are embarking on a new fantastic journey in which God has yet to unfold completely but has begun to show us sparks and glimmers of. We are excited and free. And part of that change is me having more time to do things that I love…at least right now. So hence, a brand spankin new blog for the masses from yours truly.

It is my hope to create conversation, laugh, cry, explore, learn, play, teach, and love here in digital form. And I have lots of ideas brewing inside my feeble noggin. Stay tuned on the flip friends…

Much love.



About Me

I'm Jason Williams, nicknamed "Jaydubbs" by friends, and I've been leading worship and helping create unique, relevant worship experiences for the past 11 years. I'm an artist at heart, using music and photography as my everyday canvas. I'm also a lover of the local church and am committed to growing and maturing in my life following Jesus.

(Click "About Jaydubbs" at the top
of the page to read more or for
details on booking)



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