This kid straight up rules. And so does his hair if I may say so myself. But it needed a little trimming to get back to civilized!
Here’s Cruz and his first haircut…
Cruz’s First Haircut from Jason Williams on Vimeo.
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This kid straight up rules. And so does his hair if I may say so myself. But it needed a little trimming to get back to civilized!
Here’s Cruz and his first haircut…
Cruz’s First Haircut from Jason Williams on Vimeo.
After several months of searching, praying, processing, thinking, and all the other “ing” words that I’m sure we took part in at some point in time, we’ve landed on where we think the Lord is wanting us in this new season.
Remember, we had 2 opportunities that were really exciting to us…Seattle or Scottsdale. Long distance or local.
Well, Jessica and I have decided to stay in Arizona and accept the Scottsdale position at Scottsdale Bible Church.
It was definitely a very difficult decision. Not that Scottsdale Bible was not a fantastic place to see ourselves at. It is. Our family has a loooooonnng history there. And the maturity, solid Biblical foundation, and vision to really see people live in Christ is practically unparalleled in the city. It was difficult in the fact that we anticipated God giving us a real discernment into where he wanted us. But God does not always work in our expectations.
We had the chance to visit the church in Seattle a couple weeks ago. To be honest, we thought the community there at Bethany Community Church was fabulous. The staff is caring and vibrant. The people are inviting and warm. Pastor Richard Dahlstrom is a real visionary, incredible teacher, and he’s at the helm of a tremendous and thriving community. Not to mention the city of Seattle is dirty sweet! Can’t wait to get back there again.
So we did a lot of wrestling.
I guess it completely slipped my mind to update a post here because my wife Jessica does such a fantastic job of declaring this kind of news to the world in her blog-o-world Journal of A Mom.
But the fact is Cruz is gonna be a big brother! We are expecting our second little tyke in September!!
It actually was quite a surprise to us, and it happened to us a little earlier than we had planned, but we all know what that type of planning gets you…
This last weekend, we took a trip to Seattle to check out a possible new opportunity to join a new church community called Bethany Community Church and lead the music ministry. We came away with a ton of thoughts and ideas. Here’s a conclusion to our weekend visit to the Emerald City without all the crazy details…think 30,000 foot flyover.
Seattle – That city is the straight up jam. Really. I could spend a whole other week just walking around downtown. I’ve yet, in my life, to come across a city with more culture, grittiness, fantastic design, and color. You have the city lights. You have water. And you have natural beauty all around wherever you look. We loved it! Jess thinks she would love the gray skies and drizzle all the time…not sure how it would fit me. But the catch-22 here is that, without the climate and weather that Seattle goes through, the city wouldn’t have the particular beauty that it does.
Seattle: 2 thumbs up
Chelsea Station Inn - This is the bed and breakfast that we stayed at over the weekend, and it was probably one of the coolest places we’ve stayed at in a long time. It was sort of a small apartment inside a renovated old building right across the street from the zoo & a huge park called Woodland Park. Every morning we crept downstairs where the innkeepers would make a ridiculously good breakfast from scratch! Some of the nicest people ever there as well. Check out the Chelsea here.
Chelsea Station Inn: 2 thumbs up
Flying/traveling with a 15 month old rambunctious boy - Don’t get me wrong, I love my son Cruz like crazy…I just didn’t like him that much over the weekend. He was like a different kid, I swear. I’m sure there was at least 8 people on our flights that would’ve duct taped his mouth shut if they could have. Including me. Southwest Airlines made our flying time as comfortable as they possibly could, but even they couldn’t fix Cruz “uncomfortability” every single time I had to change his diaper in a 3×3 airplane bathroom. Picture evidence A:
Cruz & flying: 2 thumbs down…and in to my ears because Cruz is screaming.
Bethany Community Church – What an incredible community. These guys are excited about where God has led them until now and are rampant in seeing God awaken hearts in their local community. Pastor Richard Dahlstrom is a tremendous teacher and such a down to earth dude, that you get to experience his real heart in the first 10 minutes of hanging with him. They have a slew of worshipers who are stoked to be part of serving Gods people in music with their various talents. And trust me, these peeps have talent.
Bethany: 2 big thumbs up
You’ll have to wait a bit to hear where we are thinking of landing in our search for a new church community to be a part of or whether we’ll be in Scottsdale or Seattle. We are still processing a bit with various people and praying about the situation, but you friends will know sooner than later.
Thanks for your prayers and support over the weekend, we have been SO blessed to have people like you behind us!
Stay tuned…
We’re still trucking along on our “101 in 1001″ list of goals and I’m happy to report that my family and I have accomplished 12 of the 101 since October 9th! That may not sound like much but that means we’ve eclipsed the first 10% with a little over two years to go!
If you’re not understanding what I’m referring to, check out this post: 101 in 1001
My wife Jessica and I put together a list of goals, 101 to be exact, that we hope to reach or fulfill within the span of a 1001 days. On a road trip back from California in October we had a ton of fun in the car laughing and reminiscing as we created our list. It’s been a super fun project for us together and given us a set of achievable markers to look for in our lives. Some of them are silly, some are practical, a few are deep and heartfelt. But they are all us.
Maybe you should start a 101 in 1001 list for yourself or your family?
I have been given two fantastic and very unique different opportunities since my family and I began our search for a new church community and/or job.
One of the opportunities is a leadership role that we know very well. We know the community. We know most of the leadership. We love the ministry that is and has been happening there for a long time. It’s here in the Phoenix area so it would keep us near family and little Cruz near his grandmas and aunts who adore him. It would allow for great freedom to be able to network and involve myself with helping other leaders and ministries create great worship experiences. And that is a very important value to me.
On the other hand, we have this other opportunity that is full of the unknown. It is uncertain, yet possibly full of adventure as well. It has the potential to open me up to new levels of leadership and influence that I’ve yet to navigate. Full of great biblical teaching and possible mentorship, the opportunity would be a definite growth experience. The role is at a community that has been around for over 100 years so there is maturity and wisdom. It is away from family, 1485 miles to be exact (give or take a couple feet or so), in the heart of Seattle. Full of green and water and texture and beauty.
They both, in the heart of our hearts, sound truly fantastic and Jess and I are extremely blessed to have the choice. But, there is a choice.
And we are praying. And considering. And processing. I am confident that God will be honored with either decision, but the husband and father in me wishes and hopes to make the “right” decision.
Would you please pray alongside us in this moment of decision for us? We are charging headlong into the crossroads and it would be nice to know there are people walking with us.
Much love.
Blame it on November.
That’s at least how I’m justifying my lack of presence lately here. Truth of the matter is that, really, I just needed to take some time off and focus on a few other things. Ministry transition (which is nice French for “I got laid off from my church staff position and now I’m looking for a new job”). Cruz’s first birthday planning. Thanksgiving. Insurance madness. Broken car. Our wonderful small group. A TON of photography and post-processing. And a bunch of other stuff that I’m sure I’m forgetting.
It’s been a fantastic 30 days, but it’s been seriously probably one of the busiest months of my life. I’m looking forward to the last month of 2009 and to a couple new disciplines and commitments that Jess and I are staking in the ground.
One of those being So here’s to ringing in the holidays with you fine friends! Thanks for all your support and prayers in what has been a wild season for our family.
See you on the flip.
(A wise man once told me that every good blog post needs a picture, so here’s Cruz melting hearts to leave you with….)
This is the word that keeps resonating in my brain of late. The truth that God’s providence is faithful, everlasting, definite, and present in my (our) lives is what I am holding onto in this current season.
You see, in the light of the current situation of not having a job, normally I and my wife Jessica would be freaking out.
A few months ago, we were simply trying to figure out how to pay the necessary bills. So this whole job thing, from the outside looking in is scary.
But Jess and I have come to realize that we are not on the outside. Indeed we have been shown the great providence of God in our lives when it doesn’t seem like it would ever really work out on paper.
After losing my job as an assistant worship director at our home church because of budget cutbacks, God began to pave the way into what could only be described as the theme of this post. Providence. I’ve had such huge support from friends, family and other worship leaders from around the valley and even out of state that have offered up encouragement, prayer, and even new opportunities. It really has been incredible.
And I really feel like this season of fruitfulness, growth, and holding firm to God’s promises is only the beginning. It took God kicking my butt out of my comfort, but I am so excited about where He is leading us.
Holding on to the journey. Holding onto His providence…
Like I said two posts below…I love this kid. He’s the best.
This fantastic shot was made during our trip to my cousins wedding at the Hotel Del Coronado. I was throwing Cruz up in the air on the beach while we were waiting for the reception.
Needless to say from his face….the little dude was diggin it.
Photo courtesy of Dean Barker
My son Cruz is the absolute best. That little kid could make my gloomiest day turn bright. How can you doubt me when he has an infectious laugh like the one in the video below?
Cruz has a book that plays the noises of farm animals and whenever I read the part about Percy the pig, this scary version of a strung out Boston cabbie comes out of my mouth….
Don’t worry…you won’t hear me talk like this in public.
The story of charity: water - The 2009 September Campaign Trailer from charity: water on Vimeo.
101 in 1001 Bethany Community Church Bethel Brian Wurzell change Chilis Church/Community cornerstone Cruz Cruz Williams decisions documentary free future goals Heaven & Earth Hillsong United Hold On hope I Heart Film Jesus Culture justice kindness leadership marriage Matt Maher Monday Mojo movie Muse new blog pay it forward Percy the pig Phil Wickham prayer Redding Ryan Axtell Scottsdale Bible Church Seattle Sigur Ros The Monday Mojo We're All In This Together worship worship music Your Love Never Fails
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