After several months of searching, praying, processing, thinking, and all the other “ing” words that I’m sure we took part in at some point in time, we’ve landed on where we think the Lord is wanting us in this new season.
Remember, we had 2 opportunities that were really exciting to us…Seattle or Scottsdale. Long distance or local.
Well, Jessica and I have decided to stay in Arizona and accept the Scottsdale position at Scottsdale Bible Church.
It was definitely a very difficult decision. Not that Scottsdale Bible was not a fantastic place to see ourselves at. It is. Our family has a loooooonnng history there. And the maturity, solid Biblical foundation, and vision to really see people live in Christ is practically unparalleled in the city. It was difficult in the fact that we anticipated God giving us a real discernment into where he wanted us. But God does not always work in our expectations.
We had the chance to visit the church in Seattle a couple weeks ago. To be honest, we thought the community there at Bethany Community Church was fabulous. The staff is caring and vibrant. The people are inviting and warm. Pastor Richard Dahlstrom is a real visionary, incredible teacher, and he’s at the helm of a tremendous and thriving community. Not to mention the city of Seattle is dirty sweet! Can’t wait to get back there again.
So we did a lot of wrestling.
And in the end, in the depth of our gut and heart, we felt like we needed to be at Scottsdale Bible. The truth is, we couldn’t be more excited about the future and my role at SBC. There is indeed a part of me that feels like I’m taking somewhat of a “sidestep” in my journey as a worship leader. Scottsdale Bible is more of a support role, whereas Bethany was an opportunity to be the director of the ministry. Casting the vision and steering the ship. After a decade of leading worship, I think it’s only natural to aspire to be “the guy” at some point.
But, there are opportunities this role gives me that I really felt called to. I’ll be working with a couple really amazing ministries in both a worship leader and mentoring aspect. And there are some guys I’ll be rubbing elbows with that I know are going to grow and strengthen me immensely. In this moment, God is teaching me and molding me to be humble and joyful in the small things. And I’m getting the chance to take a breath. Grow. And focus more on being the most open and loving leader that I can be.
My family and I are once again learning that we do not ever really steer the ship. And if we were to think deeply…we prefer it that way. Let’s face it, we would just screw stuff up. So we’re perfectly content in the Lord and simply riding the coattails of His leading in this season.
God’s faithfulness is found on the other side of obedience.
Glad that you guys feel confident in your decision, and I'm REALLY glad that I'll still get to see you. =)
I'm glad I gave you a ride to the airport now. if you had chosen Seattle I would have taken much of the blame.
I'm so glad you guys are staying, and I'm sure that you'll be "The guy" at the perfect time.
Love you guys! Welcome to Arizona.
Congrats, Jason! This is wonderful news. It shows God's heart in a tremendous way that you had the opportunity to be the head honcho and chose a different role because that's where God was leading. Your family will be truly blessed, and I wish you guys the best! Glad you're sticking around!
excited for you and Jess! you guys will be such a blessing to those there at SBC! love y'all!
I am the most proud wife of the most amazing man ever. I’m so glad you’re my husband and that we’re on this journey together! No matter where God may steer us, I’m with you! I love you! Let’s start packing!
Haha, you're the best.
The player has been training every day with a personal trainer and passed his
medical at the south London club on Tuesday morning.