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Percy The Pig

Posted by Jaydubbs On October - 15 - 2009

My son Cruz is the absolute best. That little kid could make my gloomiest day turn bright. How can you doubt me when he has an infectious laugh like the one in the video below?

Cruz has a book that plays the noises of farm animals and whenever I read the part about Percy the pig, this scary version of a strung out Boston cabbie comes out of my mouth….

Don’t worry…you won’t hear me talk like this in public.

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  1. Roxy says:

    That was ridiculously cute! I love laughing babies!!!!!

    Have you seen the YouTube vid where the dad rips paper and the baby laughs so hard for like 3 minutes? So cute!

    • Flossy says:

      I thought fidnnig this would be so arduous but it\’s a breeze!

        • Perla says:

          Hi Katina I get that every time I make a card quite depressing isn’t it. Although I don’t ralely know what your on about this card is lovely and definitely nothing to be embarrassed about. I think you are defo to hard on yourself I for one love it.Marie

        • Claudio says:

          This one is just perfect… You have done full jsucite to the sketch… Lovely dear… Yes! you should continue with it.. you are great at stamping too…and you know for me Sunday is like crafting day.. coz thats the day along with saturday I have off from office… though I didnt craft anything today.. other personal things occupied me..Love,Priya.

        • Dusanjos says:

          Hi Lucy, WOW!! such a fun birthday card for a boy!! Very cute and love how you used our sekcth from our last challenge, this layout is adorbale with your image! Thank you so much for joining us this week at Love to Create!

        • Good article and a nice summation of the problem. My only problem with the analysis is given that much of the population joined the chorus of deregulatory mythology, given vested interest is inclined toward perpetuation of the current system and given a lack of a popular cheerleader for your arguments, I’m not seeing much in the way of change.

  2. Sheri Stribling Williams says:

    I still love this everytime I see it!!!

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About Me

I'm Jason Williams, nicknamed "Jaydubbs" by friends, and I've been leading worship and helping create unique, relevant worship experiences for the past 11 years. I'm an artist at heart, using music and photography as my everyday canvas. I'm also a lover of the local church and am committed to growing and maturing in my life following Jesus.

(Click "About Jaydubbs" at the top
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details on booking)



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